SMC’s Faculty and Staff Art Show Returns
Southwestern Michigan College’s faculty and staff art show, absent since the pandemic, is like Forrest Gump’s box of chocolates, you never know what you’re going to get. With its return March 5, at least that hasn’t changed.
Shawnee Roy Making a National Name for Herself with Big C Lumber
Shawnee (Gunnett) Roy, 2018 Southwestern Michigan College honor graduate from Lawton, seems like she’s been at this longer than she has since she started at Big C Lumber’s Truss and Panel Plant at 18. Still only 24, she is known nationally through service on four advisory boards.
SMC Niles Campus Hosts 108 for Welding and Robotics Day
Eagle Technologies Manufacturing Manager Jay Bauer likens his Bridgman business to putting puzzle pieces together.
SMC Choir Concert Welcomes Eastern Michigan University
Southwestern Michigan College’s winter choir concert Friday, March 1, “A Jubilant Song,” shares the bill with a guest choir from Eastern Michigan University under the direction of Dr. Brandon Johnson.
‘Man in Motion’ First in Line for SMC Cross-Country Comeback
Whether marching as a musician or being the first male committed to Southwestern Michigan College’s cross-country comeback after a quarter century, Sam Loomis has always been a man in motion. That hasn’t changed since the Roadrunner traded trails for PAC-12 gridirons as one of 40 alto saxophonists in Washington State University’s Cougar Marching Band.
A ‘Labor of Love’ for Valentine’s Day
When you’re Southwestern Michigan College School of Nursing and Health Services, you celebrate Valentine’s Day not with flowers or chocolate, but a “Labor of Love” — a guest speaker who is a labor and delivery nurse. Lisa Pulling, BSN, RN, who has taught obstetrics at SMC for three years, has for eight years been delivering babies at Memorial Hospital in South Bend.
SMC Housing Expansion Moving Forward
The Southwestern Michigan College Board of Trustees at its regular meeting Feb. 14 approved an architectural contract with Carmi Design Group of Edwardsburg for the residence hall expansion project.
SMC Hosts Six Schools for Fourth Band Clinic Day
Southwestern Michigan College’s fourth annual Band Clinic Day Feb. 9 featured six area school bands and more than 300 musicians critiqued just in time for polishing March Southwestern Michigan Band and Orchestra Association (SWMBOA) festival programs.
SMC Celebrates Lunar New Year for Spring
Southwestern Michigan College residence halls rang in Chinese New Year and the Year of the Dragon Feb. 6 with pageantry and an authentic tea ceremony.
SMC's Spring Faculty Recital Features Clarinets
Southwestern Michigan College’s “The ABCs of the American Clarinet” shined a spotlight on the often-unsung “licorice stick” Feb. 6. Joining Scott Kurtzweil for the spring faculty recital were collaborative pianist Christine Seitz, drummer Glenn McFarland and, from the SMC Clarinet Studio, students Dakotah Chandler, Logan Lampe, Madison Sutherland and Mikayla Williams.