SMC Goes for the Gold in Veterans Service
Melanie McGee traces her affinity for serving veterans to her grandfather, Louis Richmond. McGee’s diligence as Southwestern Michigan College student records specialist and SCO, or veteran school certifying officer, last summer clinched SMC gold-level status as a VFS, or Veteran-Friendly School, by the Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency.
SMC’s First Professor Visits Campus
Robert Guntle was not only a charter member of Southwestern Michigan College’s faculty, he was SMC’s first instructional hire. Guntle, 90, joined the college in 1965 from Brandywine, the year before classes began, and stayed nine years as a biology professor, so it’s not surprising that whenever he’s in the area visiting family and friends, he stops by campus to see how things are growing.
SMC Hosts 202 from Area High Schools for Junior Day
Southwestern Michigan College hosted 202 high school 11th graders from Lawton (38), South Bend Career Academy (20), Decatur (35), Cassopolis Ross Beatty (27), Berrien Springs (22), Watervliet (four), Covert (16) and Kalamazoo Central (40) May 17 for Junior Day. Participants visited SMC’s Dowagiac campus for nuts-and-bolts advice on the college admission process.
SMC Celebrates Half a Century of Steve's Run
A lot has happened in the half-century spanning the Original Road and Trail Race to Steve’s Run, with the 50th running taking place on Friday, July 19, at 6 p.m. in downtown Dowagiac, in conjunction with the Summer Festival and BBQ Competition. Known as Steve’s Run since 1992, it left downtown in 2015 for Southwestern Michigan College’s campus, where it began in front of the David C. Briegel Building, named for SMC’s fifth president from 1981-98.
Boeing Engineer Shoots for the Stars with Satellites
Jenny Hinton came to Southwestern Michigan College from Monticello, Ill., for three semesters, graduating early in December 2018 with a straight-A average. In January 2019, she transferred to Utah State University for her baccalaureate degree in electrical engineering.
Cass County Bar Presents Law Day Liberty Bell to Dr. Mary Young-Marcks
Cass County Bar Association packed Chief Judge Carol Bealor’s courtroom May 10 to hear Law Day Liberty Bell recipient Dr. Mary D. Young-Marcks. Young-Marcks just retired after a record 40 ½ years on Southwestern Michigan College’s faculty teaching government, criminal justice, social work, cultural anthropology and history as a professor of social science.
SMC salutes 50 at Retirement and Recognition Breakfast
In addition to Dr. Mary D. Young-Marcks’ record 40 ½ years on Southwestern Michigan College’s faculty, the retirements of Susan B. Coulston, Ron Tyler and Dave Layman were celebrated May 3 at the Employee Retirement and Recognition Breakfast in Mathews Conference Center East.
‘It’s Never Too Late for a New Beginning’
Trevor Zimmerman was a COVID-19 casualty, his life, along with countless others, disrupted by the global pandemic. “Southwestern Michigan College has not only provided me with a different path, but also equipped me with the necessary tools to redefine myself and embark on a new career,” Zimmerman told SMC’s Outstanding Graduate Reception May 2 in the theatre of the Dale A. Lyons Building on the Dowagiac campus.
SMC Board Opens Bids for Residential Expansion
Southwestern Michigan College’s Board of Trustees May 8 opened bids for expanding housing capacity. In January, the board decided to add new rooms with a total of 36 beds to the three existing residence halls on the Dowagiac campus to address growing housing demand. Construction will begin this summer, with the new space available beginning in January 2025.
SMC Assistant Volleyball Coach Graduates with Her Players
Southwestern Michigan College Assistant Volleyball Coach Tami Williams walked in the 57th Commencement May 4 alongside the first volleyball players SMC has graduated since pausing intercollegiate sports in 1997. Williams enjoyed a 22-year career in education, but she transferred to Western Michigan University just shy of her SMC associate degree by an economics class.