Roadrunner Ready Graphic

Roadrunner Ready

Hit the ground running with Roadrunner Ready!

Jumpstart your college experience with extra help in math and English and get an in-depth introduction to all the academic resources at SMC. If you're an incoming student (a new student starting in Fall 2024), join us for Roadrunner Ready, our FREE 5-week program designed to help you succeed at SMC!

When: July 8-August 8, 2024

Where: Dowagiac Campus
               (Hybrid options are available.)

Time:  Monday-Thursday, each week
            8:15 a.m.-12 p.m. each day

Roadrunner Ready participants receive...

  • Up to $1,000 scholarship for fall 2024 semester, upon completion of the Roadrunner Ready program
  • Possible placement in college-level or corequisite courses, upon completion of the Roadrunner Ready Program
  • You become eligible for free computer rental throughout your time as an SMC student
  • Transportation support ($150 gas card for on-campus participants)
  • Free materials, supplies, and a laptop to use during the camp
  • Free on-campus student support workshops
  • Free breakfast on campus each morning of the camp
  • Free on-campus afternoon activities (attendance is optional, but it's a great way to get a taste of life as a Roadrunner)

Sign up for Roadrunner Ready!