Economic Impact
The Economic Value of Southwestern Michigan College
Society, students in particular, often question the value of college. We'd like to address the question. On the purely monetary level, the typical associate degree graduate from SMC will see an average increase in earnings of $9,200 each year compared to someone working in Michigan with only a high school diploma. How do we know that? We commissioned an independent study by Lightcast, which found that SMC impacts the earnings of individual students and the economy in general—on the local, regional, and state levels.
For example, the college stimulates the local, regional, and state economies by supplying a well-educated workforce that meets business needs, attracting investment, and fostering innovation. SMC contributes to job creation and economic stability throughout the region, helping businesses to thrive.
SMC also benefits state and local taxpayers, generating significant returns on investment. For every dollar spent on the college, the community sees a return through increased tax revenues, reduced social costs, and a stronger, more vibrant local economy.
Is SMC worth the investments made by students and local and state taxpayers? The numbers below tell the story.
The Economic Value of SMC to Cass County
The Economic Value of SMC to Our Service Area
Investment Analysis
Fact Sheets and Summaries of the Economic Study
Cass County Fact Sheet, FY2022-23
Cass County Executive Summary, FY2022-23
Service Area Fact Sheet, FY2022-23
Service Area Executive Summary, FY2022-23
Copies of the full study are available upon request by contacting