Financial Stability
Financial Stability at SMC
Primary Reserve Ratio—measures financial strength and flexibility by comparing expendable net assets to total expenses. This measure answers the question, "How long can the institution survive without additional net assets generated by operating revenue?"
Viability Ratio—measures the financial health of the institution by comparing total expendable net assets to total non-current liabilities. This answers the question, "How much of their debt can the institution pay off with existing resources?"
Composite Financial Index (CFI}—measures the overall health of an institution by combining four ratios into one metric. The four core ratios include return on net assets, operating margin, primary reserve, and viability ratio.
Data source: SMC Business Office
Next update: November 2025
Fiscal Year Turnover
Voluntary Turnover calculations. Includes all FT and PC employees who resigned voluntarily, including retirements.
Source: Human Resources