Pregnancy and Parenting FAQs
Pregnancy and Parenting: Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some frequently asked questions and their answers about the college’s compliance with this aspect of Title IX.
Students or employees with additional questions should contact the Title IX coordinator.
- When can an individual seek assistance for pregnancy-related accommodations?
- Pregnancy, childbirth, and related conditions. may necessitate absences. Will those absences be excused?
- What happens when a pregnant student misses assignments, tests, exams, etc., due to an excused absence?
- Can pregnant students be penalized for their absence if grades in a class are based on attendance or participation?
- Can a professor prevent a pregnant student from attending class?
- Can pregnant students participate in internships and other off-campus programs?
- Does the college have to provide special services to pregnant students or employees?
- What if a student, professor, or staff member makes an offensive or inappropriate remark about an individual's pregnancy?
- Can a pregnant student lose their scholarship due to their pregnancy?
- Does the college provide designated areas for students or employees to breastfeed, pump milk, or address other needs related to breastfeeding?
Additional Title IX Resources for Pregnant and Parenting Individuals
The Pregnant Scholar—Title IX Basics
National Women's Law Center—Pregnant and Parenting Students' Rights
U.S. Department of Education—Supporting the Academic Success of Pregnant and Parenting Students