Environmental Sciences
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- Classes and Catalog
- Course Search
- WELD 235
- THEA 180
- THEA 110
- SPAN 201
- SPAN 101
- PSYC 215
- PSYC 102
- PHYS 201
- PHYS 101
- MUSI 205
- MUSI 201
- MUSI 110
- MUSI 105
- MUSI 101
- MEDA 212
- MEDA 211
- MEDA 210
- MATH 205
- MATH 153
- LEGA 220
- LEGA 203
- LEGA 102
- ISYS 294
- ISYS 285
- ISYS 284
- ISYS 276
- ISYS 272
- INTE 229
- INTE 126
- HUMA 199
- HIMS 205
- HIMS 202
- HIMS 201
- HEED 190
- HEED 131
- FISC 211
- FISC 210
- FISC 111
- ESL 152
- ESL 151
- ENGL 235
- ENGL 115
- ELEC 234
- EDUC 260
- EDUC 208
- CRIM 235
- CRIM 110
- CPHE 1110
- CONS 165
- CONS 117
- CONS 114
- CNUR 200
- CMUS 1250
- CHUM 2050
- CHEM 201
- CCON 155
- CART 182
- CART 1100
- CART 1030
- CADD 101
- BUSI 212
- AUTO 232
- AUTO 228
- AUTO 148
- AUTO 122
- AUTO 119
- AUTO 116
- ART 261
- ART 235
- ART 219
- ART 212
- ART 211
- ART 203
- ACCO 214
- ACCO 211
- WELD 170
- PSYC 299
- PSYC 260
- ISYS 288
- ISYS 283
- HEED 170
- ENGL 281
- ENGL 231
- CRIM 275
- CRIM 220
- CRIM 112
- CRIM 102
- CPHE 1140
- CPHE 104
- CCIS 288
- CCIS 281
- CCIS 215
- CART 160
- WELD 279
- WELD 277
- WELD 265
- WELD 180
- WELD 175
- WELD 169
- WELD 168
- WELD 159
- THEA 220
- THEA 210
- THEA 185
- THEA 184
- THEA 181
- SPEE 104
- SPEE 102
- SPAN 202
- SPAN 102
- SOWK 240
- SOWK 205
- SOWK 200
- SOWK 120
- SOWK 100
- SOCI 248
- SOCI 240
- SOCI 203
- SOCI 201
- SLP 110
- SCIE 190
- PSYC 296
- PSYC 205
- PSYC 180
- PSYC 101
- POSC 201
- PHYS 202
- PHYS 102
- PHIL 280
- PHIL 210
- PHIL 201
- PHIL 101
- PHED 280
- PHED 215
- PHED 210
- PHED 111
- PHED 103
- PHED 101
- OADM 142
- OADM 138
- OADM 137
- OADM 111
- NURS 241
- NURS 240
- NURS 228
- NURS 212
- NURS 202
- NURS 201
- NURS 180
- NURS 178
- NURS 177
- NURS 167
- NURS 166
- MUSI 253
- MUSI 252
- MUSI 251
- MUSI 240
- MUSI 226
- MUSI 225
- MUSI 224
- MUSI 223
- MUSI 219
- MUSI 218
- MUSI 217
- MUSI 216
- MUSI 214
- MUSI 213
- MUSI 206
- MUSI 204
- MUSI 203
- MUSI 202
- MUSI 143
- MUSI 142
- MUSI 141
- MUSI 131
- MUSI 125
- MUSI 123
- MUSI 122
- MUSI 118
- MUSI 116
- MUSI 113
- MUSI 111
- MUSI 106
- MUSI 102
- MEDA 251
- MEDA 250
- MEDA 240
- MEDA 221
- MEDA 220
- MATH 265
- MATH 203
- MATH 201
- MATH 154
- MATH 150
- MATH 142
- MATH 141
- MATH 136
- MATH 131
- MATH 130
- MATH 129
- MATH 128
- MATH 127
- MATH 102
- MATH 101
- MATH 098
- MACH 255
- NDXT 120
- LEGA 204
- NDXT 102
- ISYS 290
- NDXT 101
- ISYS 289
- NDXT 100
- ISYS 282
- ISYS 281
- ISYS 275
- ISYS 271
- ISYS 260
- ISYS 255
- ISYS 251
- ISYS 241
- ISYS 234
- ISYS 229
- ISYS 228
- ISYS 227
- WELD 200
- ISYS 225
- WELD 113
- ISYS 215
- CONS 132
- ISYS 207
- CONS 113
- ISYS 201
- CADD 103
- ISYS 200
- ART 258
- ISYS 182
- ISYS 181
- ISYS 140
- ISYS 115
- ISYS 110
- INTE 255
- INTE 245
- INTE 240
- INTE 227
- INTE 159
- INTE 140
- HUMA 299
- HUMA 210
- HUMA 205
- HUMA 204
- HUMA 202
- HIST 290
- HIST 230
- HIST 202
- HIST 201
- HIST 102
- HIST 101
- HIMS 290
- HIMS 255
- HIMS 210
- ISYS 295
- HIMS 203
- HIST 247
- HIMS 180
- FISC 201
- HIMS 101
- CONS 131
- HEED 251
- HEED 163
- HEED 137
- HEED 132
- HEED 120
- HEED 118
- HEED 117
- HEED 116
- HEED 101
- GEOG 110
- GEOG 105
- FISC 213
- FISC 112
- FISC 110
- MRI 262
- ENST 112
- MRI 240
- ENGL 282
- MRI 232
- ENGL 265
- MRI 222
- ENGL 263
- WELD 280
- ENGL 261
- SOCI 202
- ENGL 251
- FISC 105
- ENGL 232
- MRI 295
- ENGL 104
- MRI 263
- ENGL 103W
- MRI 260
- ENGL 103
- MRI 241
- ENGL 101
- MRI 200
- ELEC 255
- CEDU 220
- ELEC 233
- ELEC 218
- ELEC 212
- ELEC 208
- ELEC 140
- ELEC 131
- ELEC 119
- ELEC 118
- EDUC 255
- EDUC 240
- EDUC 230
- EDUC 223
- EDUC 222
- EDUC 221
- EDUC 220
- EDUC 217
- EDUC 215
- EDUC 210
- EDUC 120
- EDUC 115
- EDUC 101
- ECON 202
- ECON 201
- CRIT 103W
- CRIT 103
- CRIM 270
- CRIM 260
- CRIM 219
- MRI 261
- CRIM 113
- MRI 230
- CRIM 111
- MRI 220
- CONS 255
- MRI 201
- CONS 180
- CONS 175
- CONS 169
- CONS 161
- CONS 150
- CONS 145
- CONS 140
- CONS 135
- CONS 130
- CONS 115
- COMM 115
- COMM 110
- CNUR 100
- CMUS 2520
- CMUS 2510
- CMUS 1230
- CMUS 1220
- CMUS 1180
- CMUS 1160
- CMUS 1130
- CHEM 202
- HEED 175
- CHEM 102
- CHEM 101
- NURS 249
- CHEM 100
- NURS 248
- CHEE 1200
- NURS 239
- CADD 255
- NURS 238
- CADD 104
- NURS 209
- BUSI 255
- NURS 208
- BUSI 240
- NURS 205
- BUSI 225
- NURS 204
- BUSI 221
- NURS 195
- BUSI 220
- NURS 194
- BUSI 214
- NURS 187
- BUSI 210
- NURS 186
- BUSI 208
- NURS 170
- BUSI 207
- NURS 168
- BUSI 201
- NURS 160
- BUSI 200
- HIST 248
- BUSI 101
- BISC 111
- BIOL 215
- BIOL 214
- BIOL 202
- BIOL 118
- BIOL 110
- BIOL 102
- BIOL 101
- BIOL 098
- BDWI 201
- BDWI 101
- AUTO 255
- AUTO 246
- AUTO 234
- AUTO 229
- AUTO 227
- AUTO 223
- AUTO 222
- AUTO 216
- AUTO 147
- AUTO 131
- AUTO 103
- ART 299
- ART 265
- ART 255
- ART 230
- ART 225
- ART 220
- ART 215
- ART 213
- ART 210
- ART 209
- ART 208
- ART 204
- ART 200
- ART 148
- ART 120
- ART 110
- ART 106
- ART 105
- ART 104
- ART 103
- ART 102
- ENGL 228
- ART 101
- ART 100
- AGRI 190
- ACCO 255
- ACCO 212
- ACCO 204
- ACCO 203
- ACCO 202
- ACCO 201
- LEGA 255
- LEGA 240
- LEGA 230
- LEGA 206
- LEGA 205
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Contact the Academic Advising and Resource Center
David C. Briegel Building, Room 1104
Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
Environmental Sciences
Start your career solving the world’s biggest environmental problems with a degree from SMC—all while saving up to 50% or more! Whether you want to help organizations follow environmental guidelines, examine the cause of localized health outbreaks or determine the impacts of oil spills on marine life, SMC’s environmental science degree will lay a strong foundation from which to pursue your goals.
About the Environmental Sciences Degree
Environmental science combines the studies of earth, environmental, chemical and biological sciences to take a holistic approach to solving a variety of environmental problems. With SMC’s curriculum, you’ll get an introduction to each of those fields, laying the groundwork for advanced studies in whatever specialty you choose.
In the environmental sciences program, you’ll explore the tenants of general and organic chemistry, performing experiments in the lab to observe the principles in action. You’ll discover the principles of molecular and cellular biology, genetics, biodiversity, and ecology, developing lab skills and biological research techniques. You’ll learn about earth’s major systems and gain insights into man’s impact on the environment through both lab and field work. All the while, you’ll also complete the general education courses required by most degree programs, so you transfer ready to jump into advanced studies in the fields you care about.
Advanced students may take advantage of the Honors Program in which they’ll work closely with faculty to conduct research experiments. Learn more about the Honors Program here.
The environmental science degree is a two-year degree designed to transfer to four-year schools to complete a bachelor’s degree. Because the program is both foundational and broad, it can be used for advanced studies in related fields as well, including agriculture, biology, or conservation/forestry.
What You’ll Learn/Courses and Curriculum
View the full curriculum guide for the Associate in Science in Environmental Sciences.
What Can I Do With a Environmental Science Degree?
Environmental scientists use the principles of biology, chemistry, geology, and more to examine environmental systems and develop working solutions to problems. They often work for governments and may have positions in labs, offices, or in the field. Environmental scientists may collect samples from air, land, food, water, and other sources; analyze data; develop plans for solving environmental problems; create reports; advise governments about the environmental or health risks of proposed projects; and consult with businesses on how to improve their environmental practices.
Speciality career areas include climate change analysis, environmental health and safety, environmental restoration planning, industrial ecology, and environmental chemistry.
Job opportunities are expected to increase as the public becomes increasingly conscious of waste, pollution, and human impact on the environment.Careers and Salaries Career Option Salary Environmental Scientists: $78,980 Conservation Scientists and Foresters: $68,300 2023 median pay. Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics

The William P.D. O’Leary Building is home to all math, science, and agriculture classes at SMC. It is equipped with SCALE-UP science labs and advanced technologies.